7 year old girl killed in racing accident

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ex-khobar Andy
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7 year old girl killed in racing accident

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

I came across this headline in a Florida news source:

https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/7-yea ... do-florida

'Fought for her life': 7-year-old girl dies after drag racing accident at Orlando track, officials say

So I assumed that it was a tragic story of a girl attending a race and somehow being caught up in some sort of on-track incident which maybe spilled into the spectators. No. It seems that the girl was piloting her Junior Dragster Racecar while racing on Sunday. As a result, she hit a safety guide employee and then struck a concrete wall. The safety guide employee, a 34-year-old Orlando man, was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. (The underlined bit is a quote from the site.)

It's tragic that a 7-year old loses her life. But WTF were the parents thinking? Why are they not being prosecuted for child endangerment? (And I am glad that the track safety guy who was hit appears to be only moderately injured.) They have set up a GoFundMe site for funeral expenses and have apparently so far raised $20,000 of a $30,000 target. Again, WTF? My wife died two years ago and her ashes are interred on two continents. And I can tell you I spent nothing like $20,000. (She would have threatened to kill me, too, had I done so.)

I looked through some other FL news sources. 'This reminds us how dangerous the sport we love, can be' seems to be a common response. Apparently 5 year olds can join in; the car has a 5HP engine and top speed is limited based on age. It's drag racing against the clock so in theory at least, accidents are limited. (No traffic.).

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