bigskygal wrote:
You figured it out, Joe Guy. My business has failed, I've lost everything, I'm living in a homeless shelter and using the computer at the local library for 50 minutes/day, which is why I have no time to post here.
Pardon me if I don't want to believe you. However if I
did believe that you lost everything, I would attempt to organize a fundraiser to get you back on your feet.
You're an interesting person and can contribute quite a lot to conversations here but you are much too sensitive to words written by those of us with warped, sick, harsh, disgustingly inappropriate and immature senses of humor.
We aren't bad people. Some of us just like to make people completely uncomfortable and kick them down a notch or too when we see them kick into
self-aggrandizement mode.
It's just part of the pattern that exists here.
bigskygal wrote:Let the gleeful character assassination recommence.
Ooh! Ooh! I'll be first....
If you were much more paranoid, frustrated and hateful you would be a lot like @W.
Take that, you wench!!