The Muscovite Candidate

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

Treasury unit to share records with Senate for Trump-Russia probe: WSJ

A unit of the U.S. Treasury Department that fights money laundering will provide financial records to an investigation by the Senate into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The Senate Intelligence Committee asked for the records from the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, late last month, the Journal cited the people as saying. (

One person said the records were needed to decide whether there was collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the 2016 campaign, the Journal said.

Representatives for FinCEN and Republican Senator Richard Burr, the intelligence committee chairman, declined to comment, the Journal said.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Bur (R-NC) and Vice Chair Mark Warner (D-VA) wrote to FinCEN on April 26 requesting access to the same records the FBI has obtained as part of its own probe into Russia’s election interference, according to the Journal. The newspaper’s sources said that the committee has found information that prompted them to pursue more details about Trump’s business ties.

The Journal also reported that Trump’s Atlantic City, New Jersey casino, the Trump Taj Mahal, was hit with a $10 million civil penalty by FinCEN in 2015 for “willful and repeated violations” of anti-money laundering requirements.

The Senate probe took on added significance after Trump dismissed FBI Director James Comey earlier this week amid an agency investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible Moscow ties to the Trump presidential campaign. The House of Representatives intelligence panel is conducting a similar probe. ... SKBN188314

And in a related, under-reported story:
Trump business partner accused of involvement in Dutch-based money laundering scheme

The American real estate development company Bayrock, through which Donald Trump constructed hotels and apartment complexes, used Dutch letter box companies in a network suspected of being involved in money laundering. A ZEMBLA investigation suggests that Bayrock siphoned off $1.5 million dollars by setting up a corporate structure in the Netherlands in 2007.

In New York, Bayrock also stands accused of large-scale tax fraud. This incriminating information could place Donald Trump in an extremely difficult position, claims attorney F. Oberlander, who is prosecuting Bayrock on behalf of the State of New York: “The maximum jail term would be 30 years. So you’re in really serious trouble.”

In 2005, Donald Trump became 18% owner of an hotel-condominium known as Trump SoHo. Bayrock, the other owner, is accused of perpetrating fraud on a grand scale through, among other things, Trump SoHo. According to US law, this means that Trump is jointly liable for Bayrock’s criminal activities. Oberlander concludes:
“Anybody running a business through a pattern of crime is guilty of racketeering. Anybody knowing what they’re doing and are helping is guilty of racketeering conspiracy. They go to jail.”

All Bayrock wants is to make clear to ZEMBLA that the Dutch corporate construction was established on the advice of an external legal counsel. ZEMBLA discovers that the firm in question is Bracewell & Giuliani. Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, and part owner of the law firm at the time, is also a Trump confidante. ZEMBLA has access to correspondence between the law firm and the Dutch director of a trust company in Amsterdam, which leaves no doubt as to the ultimate beneficiary owners of the Dutch business construction: the director of Bayrock and the Khrapunov family from Kazakhstan.

Viktor Khrapunov is a fugitive ex-mayor and governor from Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan government accuses Khrapunov of embezzling hundreds of millions of state assets. In 2007, Bayrock and the Khrapunov family founded the Dutch joint venture KazBay B.V. ZEMBLA has copies of the act of incorporation, bank statements and internal communications showing how the suspected money laundering scheme was set up. “It was designed to get millions of dollars out of New York into Europe. Through KazBay. KazBay was just a conduit”, asserts attorney Oberlander.

The Dutch director of KazBay B.V. tells ZEMBLA that he has no knowledge of his clients’ dubious backgrounds. In 2007, the year that the Dutch letter box companies were established, Viktor Khrapunov’s alleged criminal dealings become public knowledge. Around the same time, it also becomes clear that Felix Sater, one of the Bayrock owners, has concealed his criminal past and mafia connections.

For years, the Dutch Central Bank has been concerned that Dutch trust companies are failing to comply with legislation. Over half of the companies investigated by the Dutch Central Bank are in breach of the regulations, such as subjecting their clients to rigorous screening. Investigations performed by the supervisory body reveal that hundreds of politicians from Russia and Kazakhstan make use of Dutch trust companies. Frank Elderson, director of the Dutch Central Bank: "There are no legal stipulations forcing you to do business with a former political hot-shot from Russia or any other high risk nation."

Six months ago, the Financial Times reported that, in 2013, the Khrapunov family had bought three apartments in Trump SoHo to the tune of 3.1 million dollars. A sale from which Trump benefitted as joint owner. The White House, the Trump Organization and Viktor Khrapunov decline to answer ZEMBLA’s questions. In the episode ‘The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump: Part 1 – the Russians’, ZEMBLA explores the possible implications of these shady business dealings for the United States’ 45th president. ... ing-scheme

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

You just can't make this stuff up:
Trump used ‘Russia Law firm of the Year’ to draft letter about his finances

The lawyers who drafted a letter for President Trump declaring that he no significant financial ties to Russia work for a company that received an award for “Russia Law Firm of the Year” in 2016.

Sheri Dillon and and William Nelson, who have served as tax counsel to the president for more than a decade, are partners at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, according to ABC News.

The attorneys wrote a letter in March that was released by the White House Friday.

It stated that Trump’s tax returns do not show any income, dept or equity investments from Russian sources — with “few exceptions.” Some of those exceptions include multi-million dollar real estate and licensing deals.

Their law firm was given the award by a London-based legal research publication at its annual awards dinner in 2016, ABC reported.

The company’s website said their Moscow office staff more than 40 lawyers who are “well know in the Russian market, and have a deep familiarity with [Moscow’s] legislation, practice, and key players.”

Democratic senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut blasted called the law firm’s Russia connection “unreal” in a tweet on Friday.

“Law firm @POTUS used to show he has no ties to Russia was named Russia Law Firm of the Year for their extensive ties to Russia. Unreal,” Murphy said. ... -finances/

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Bicycle Bill »

While I'm certain Drumpff has Russian connections that he is not being entirely transparent about, this is just grasping at any tenuous connection and trying to find a boogey-man in every closet.  Next thing you know someone will claim that they saw him drinking Stolichnaya vodka (instead of Grey Goose, Absolut, or a domestic brand) and point to that as indisputable proof of his Russian connections.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Crackpot »

I think it's more the "I don't drink... except when I do" reasoning they have going there.
Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

This article sums up well (even though it comes from the way Trump continuously tries to deflect, and what the real issues involved with the money connection aspects of Russiagate are:
Don’t miss Trump’s incredibly telling non-answer on financial ties to Russia

Donald Trump’s admission that he had the Russia investigation on his mind when he fired FBI Director James Comey has, naturally, attracted the lion’s share of attention out of Thursday night’s interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt. But he made another telling admission in response to a fairly straightforward question from Holt about financial connections to Russia.

It’s phrased as a denial, but if you pay attention to Trump’s words, it actually isn’t. What he says is that he no longer has any business deals or investments that are physically located in Russia, not that he doesn’t have Russian investors, backers, lenders, or partners in his ventures around the world:

HOLT: The Senate Committee wants information from the Treasury Department's financial and crimes unit about your finances, your business finance.


HOLT: Can you tell us whether you, your family, your businesses, your surrogates have accepted any investments, any loans from Russian individuals or institutions?

TRUMP: Yeah, in fact, I just sent a letter to Lindsey Graham, one of the most prestigious law firms in the country, tremendous, highly rated law firm. That have nothing to do with Russia. I have no investments in Russia, none whatsoever. I don't have property in Russia. A lot of people thought I owned office buildings in Moscow. I don't have property in Russia, and I am in very, I mean it, in total compliance in every way.

Now, I have to tell you, I file documents, hundreds of pages’ worth of documents with the Federal Elections Bureau, everybody's seen them. I built a great company, but I'm not involved with Russia. I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy Russian. Many years ago I had the Miss Universe pageant, which I owned for quite a while, I had it in Moscow long time ago, but other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia.

HOLT: And one last question on this matter. Did you ever—

TRUMP: And I have a certified letter, just so you understand.[Gee, a letter that has to signed for when it's delivered; well that certainly constitutes irrefutable proof. I guess he figures a lot of his fans don't know what a certified letter is, and will just assume that conveys some sort credibility to it. :roll: ]I'm not just saying that. I've given the letter, I've given the letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, he has the letter, and I think frankly, it's, I assume he's gonna give the letter out, but it says I am not involved in Russia. No loans, no nothing.
This simply isn’t what Holt asked, and it isn’t what dozens of journalists and politicians have been asking for months now. It would be interesting, of course, to learn that the Trump Organization secretly owns buildings or hotels in Moscow. But that’s not really Trump’s style. When he builds a building in Azerbaijan, it’s called Trump Tower Baku.

The secret of Trump’s business deal in that post-Soviet republic isn’t where the building is; it’s who has the money behind the building. According to Adam Davidson, investment in Trump Tower Baku was mixed up in domestic political corruption in Azerbaijan and even money laundering by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The question is where does Trump’s money come from

The question people are asking about Trump’s business ties to Russia isn’t whether Trump money is going into Russia but rather how much Russian money is flowing into Trump’s pockets and what its nature is.

We know the Trump Taj Mahal paid a $10 million civil fine for noncompliance with money laundering rules. And we know Trump’s key business partner in the Trump SoHo project, Bayrock, was in bed with a money laundering scheme based out of Kazakhstan. Trump’s former campaign chair, Paul Manafort, was allegedly the recipient of millions of dollars in dirty money payments from a Russian proxy party in Ukraine, money that Manafort would have had to try to launder to actually make use of.

Donald Trump Jr. of course infamously said that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” [at the same time he also said, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”- he made these comments in 2008; it's a matter of public record]and we’ve recently seen reports that Eric Trump explained to a golf journalist that the Trump Organization was able to keep building courses through the financial crisis because “we don’t rely on American banks — we have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

[Both Junior and Eric also need to be brought in to testify under oath.]

Trump should answer the question

To state the obvious, it’s not illegal to have business connections with Russian people or Russian investors in your business ventures. Massive noncompliance with US anti–money laundering protocols is apparently a civil issue rather than a criminal one. Excessive ties to corrupt foreign governments can be a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, but (conveniently) the Trump administration is moving to scale back enforcement of that law across the board.

It’s entirely possible that whatever Russian investors there may be in various Trump ventures have nothing to do with the Russian government or Russian state-owned enterprises. And even if they do, it’s conceivable that this has nothing to do with Trump’s various odd pro-Russian musings, Manafort’s proposed plan to influence Western politics to “greatly benefit the Putin government,” pro-Trump propaganda ginned up by Russian state-owned media outlets, or Russian hacking of Trump’s political opponents.

But it’s certainly a reasonable set of questions to ask. And it’s worth pointing out that even though Trump has this now-standard reply about no deals in Russia, he isn’t actually answering the question. ... iness-ties

It's not just Trump's personal tax returns that are going to be needed to sort this out. As Chuck Todd pointed out correctly yesterday on Meet The Press, the returns for all of Trump's 500 LLC businesses are also needed.

And if a Russian oligarch puts money into a Swedish shell corporation, that then transfers the money to to another shell corporation in Bali, that then buys a Trump property or invests in a Trump business, that trail has to be tracked down...(And Trump can't be allowed to get away with some BS like "Hey, that money didn't come from Russia; it came from Bali")

Same thing if a bank known to exist for the primary purpose of serving as a money-laundering conduit for Russian oligarchs in Cyprus turns around and loans money to a Trump business. (Trump can't be allowed to get away with: "That loan didn't come from Russia; it came from Cyprus")

Hopefully FinCEN has already made a good start on this, but there's a tremendous amount of work that will need to be done for a through investigation, and both the FBI and the Senate Intel Committee (and any other Congressional Committee investigating this) need to have the resources they require to conduct this examination in a comprehensive and timely fashion.

This "follow the money" aspect of Russiagate (investments in Trump businesses by Russian sources, purchase of Trump properties by Russian sources, loans to Trump or any of his far-flung businesses by Russian sources) is a very complex and tedious piece of what needs to be done, but it's absolutely essential, because it may very well be at the heart of explaining everything else involved.

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by BoSoxGal »

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian diplomats

The president’s disclosures to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in their Oval Office meeting last week jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State — an information-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, current and former U.S. officials said. Trump appeared to be boasting of the “great intel” he receives when he described a looming terror threat, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.

Another article here: ... ity-crisis
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The Muscovite Candidate

Post by RayThom »

Oh, man, Lord Dampnut keeps stepping into the shit pile -- obstruction of justice, and treason -- within days of each other. And the Repugs keep making excuses.

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by BoSoxGal »

Where can I get that on a bumper sticker??
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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by dales »

Your collective inability to acknowledge this obvious truth makes you all look like fools.


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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

Can you imagine the conniptions if Hillary Clinton had done that? Of course at this point this is still an unverified report.

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Burning Petard »

So the white house absolutely denies The CinC gave the Russians any methods or sources. However, no denial was given about the notorious 'actionable information' which is what everyone actually wants from intelligence methods or sources. What a deal maker our president--cut thru the typical government confusion and get right to the point.


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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Sue U »

There is something fundamentally wrong with the whole concept of "Donald Trump leaking intelligence."

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Burning Petard »

But he IS the president. As our CinC announced the morning, Mr Trump has absolute power to say anything to anybody. If he gives aid and comfort to the enemy, then clearly he has pre-defined that entity as not the enemy and no treason is involved. Me, I am reviewing carefully the list of grievances and proposed remedies in that document which predates the United States of America and is published on the back page of the NY Times each July 4.


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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

Sue U wrote:There is something fundamentally wrong with the whole concept of "Donald Trump leaking intelligence."


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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Crackpot »

Sue U wrote:There is something fundamentally wrong with the whole concept of "Donald Trump leaking intelligence."
That's why I'm far more comfortable with the past tense.
Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

Rather like the concept of an empty bucket leaking water...

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

From today's CNN:
Disclosure of classified info has some wondering whether Trump is in over his head
You have to laugh. Do you think Captain Obvious works at CNN? (His close friend Captain Oblivious is already at the WH.)

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by rubato »

My first questions when the meeting was reported on were "why is a Russian photographer being allowed into the WH at all? And has his photography equipment been inspected and dismantled prior to the event to detect hidden capabilities, and finally why are there no non-Russians who are witnesses?" Is trump saying that he trusts the Russians more than his own staff or the US media?


I think he just stepped onto the trap door and everyone is fighting to be able to pull the lever.


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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by kristina »

Sue U wrote:There is something fundamentally wrong with the whole concept of "Donald Trump leaking intelligence."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Muscovite Candidate

Post by Lord Jim »

Well this will certainly clear everything up:
Putin defends Trump, says Russia will hand over transcript of meeting with Sergei Lavrov

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that President Donald Trump had not passed any secrets onto Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a meeting in Washington last week and that he could prove it.

Speaking at a news conference alongside Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Putin quipped that Lavrov had not passed what he said were the non-existent secrets onto him either.

Putin said Russia was ready to hand a transcript of Trump's meeting with Lavrov over to U.S. lawmakers if that would help reassure them.

Two U.S. officials said on Monday that Trump had disclosed highly classified information to Lavrov about a planned Islamic State operation, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump's short tenure in office. ... 1.13642023

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